Don’t Sell Anything You Wouldn’t Buy Yourself.
This is the first rule to abide by if you’re ever going to have a successful career. It’s a pity many salespeople or marketers get involved in the selling of products or services they know little, no believe or have no passion for. Because most times, the results are not always good.The fact and the simple truth is that if we don’t like, believe in, or understand a product; we will be a disaster while selling it. In fact, selling products that you so much believe in is one of the secrets of success, especially for a salesperson.
Don’t Work for Anyone You Don’t Respect
The importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded, high achieving people can’t be overemphasized, and this second rule highlight how essential it is. Like it or not, the truth is people you work with or surround yourself with will determine how successful or how far you can go in life.A sheep that walks in the midst of dogs might eat what it’s not supposed to eat. You’re only as successful as people you associate with. So, if you don’t respect someone, don’t work for them. Most times, the people you respect are the ones you will be fulfilled working with.
Work with People You Like and Enjoy
The third rule is closely related to the second rule; they both emphasize the need to surround yourself and work with like-minded people, the people you like, and enjoy. Thomas C. Corley found out in his research about successful people that most successful people make a point to limit their exposure to toxic, negative people. This is what you must do to attain success too.
Those are the three rules for your career. Follow them diligently and see how great you can be! Being around ambitious, intelligent, and successful people makes you more valuable. Therefore, surround yourself with people who will build you and your career up, not bring you down.