The employee in his mind says - the harder I work, the faster I’ll be king. While his employer is somewhere saying – the harder this employee of mine works, the quicker and longer I’ll be king.
In the case of the employee, it is nothing but a trap. He thought if he works harder, the faster it will be for him to be a boss. But in the same vein, his employer sees him as someone that will continue working hard while he continues to be the king he is. Let’s take a look at some tips on how to avoid this employment trap.
Make Financial Provisions
How many years have you spent on your current job? If you’ve spent a reasonable number of years, or you’ve worked your ass out, but it still feels like weird, or you’re not seeing the light of being a boss at the end of the tunnel, then it is a trap that you need to get out of. Making financial provisions is a good step toward getting out. Remember, what you have set aside today will tide you over when you’re out of the job.Have Other Source of Income
Depending on just a source of income might not really get you out of the employment trap position. Ensure you diversify your income you’re getting from this employment of yours into a small business or investment. After some time, you can use these other sources of income to stay off the employment trap.Passive Income is King
Passive income is income that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain—often called progressive passive income when the earner expends little effort to grow the income. If you have a passive income going on alongside your job, then you shouldn’t have any problem moving out of employment trap. The freedom that comes with passive income is what makes you king.Have Vision – Go for Your Passion
You’d know when you’re in an employment trap. You’d notice the way things are, and how it doesn’t go with your vision or your passion. To avoid this trap, you need to always work towards your vision and never losing focus. With persistence and consistency, you can get to that stage where you will be the king.
There you go! Above are some great tips on how you could escape or avoid this employment trap. This employment trap is really a strong one that needs overhauling. If you don’t take hold of your self early, you might just be in the illusion of the earlier employee’s impression. However, by following the tips provided above, you can break free of the employment trap.